vrijdag 1 april 2011

Logo Specifications

My last entry is not about a logo. In this entry I’m going to give some specifications that a logo should contain in my point of view. There are many ways to create a successful logo and therefore showing the corporate identity. I will give some specifications that from my perspective should be in a logo.

A major element of a successful business is having a memorable logo. Your goal as a business owner is to create a memorable and recognizable brand, an identity that can only be developed by designing a high-quality logo and build a solid reputation that your customers with identify and come back to for repeat business again and again in the future. 

The best logos that are most successful are the ones that jump out at you when you see them. You must ensure that you are using a logo that stands out from the audience and put  in the minds of people. Once your logo design is a perfect fit for your business, you should take the time to test it out on the public to get feedback, so you will know if your logo has the right corporate identity.

A logo should contain:

-          - The company’s name/brand
-          - A distinguishable design
-          - Simplicity
-          - Reflection of the business (identity)
-          - Recognizability

With this I’ll end my blog and hope to have given you enough descriptions about why companies have chosen the logo they contribute. I’ll hope to see some reactions and opinions about the discussed logos.

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