maandag 28 februari 2011

Logo Apple

This entry I'm going to give my opinion about the logo of Apple. The logo of Apple is much more recent than the logos I described in the past entry's. Apple's logo was launched for the first time in 1977 by Rob Janhoff with a rainbow theme. This was because none of the competitive company's used such brite colours in that time. It was a  good way to distinguish themselves from competitive company's, in my point of view. The logo itself is a symbolic representation for the company's values and vision. It is obvious that the name Apple was transformed into a logo of an Apple. The logo is admired for it's simplicity and many meanings that people attach to it.

I think Rob Janhoff understood the weight that a logo carries in relation to the company. He made a simple design that is very recognizable and adjusted the colour pattern which was very smart in that time, because most of the logos from other company's were one or two coloured. In marketing perspective of a logo there couldn't be a better way to do this, from my perspective. What I really like, throughout the the history of the logo, is that it never changed in design. Sure it had quite a few polishes, like the aqua theme and glass theme, but the basic idea of the logo never disappeared. I think this is one of the reasons that Apple could turn into a large successful company. Nevertheless, Apple managed to gain on the competition with this logo as it’s trump, that in my point of view is very inspiring.

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