dinsdag 15 februari 2011

Logo Shell

My first entry is about the logo of Shell.

As most of you know, Shell is a company that exists for more than a century.
The logo they have represents the oil winning from the sea. In the past before shell started in the oil business, they were in the antique circuit, with the primary goods eastern shells.  

In my opinion it is a powerful logo that everyone recognizes or will remember. The logo for a company is very important. This is because of the graphic representation of the company. The consumer will relate the logo to the brand and activities of the company. Shell has a simple logo with bright colors, which stand for professional and valued business activities and the quality that Shell want to deliver. The logo of Shell is a symbol for the brand of the company, like I mentioned earlier in my entry. The strategy that Shell uses is also found back in the logo. They want to pump oil with corporate social responsibility nowadays. This is good publicity for the company, what consumers will relate when they see the company’s symbol.

In the present time, Shell has one of the most successful logos that a company can have. It is easy to recognize and easy to remember. These are easy specifications, but hard to realize for marketers. The choice of the logo, that the company made, had a great level of importance. They outsmarted the competition with a powerful brand. Nevertheless, the Shell logo stands forward in the line of world’s most recognizable logo designs.

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